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“to love is to risk, not being loved in return. to hope is to risk pain. to try is to risk failure. but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in my life is to risk nothing.”
― Leo Buscaglia,

Living Loving and Learning


Kaufman, R. & Westland, C.A., K. Winterman & C. Rosas.  (2014). Transition. In K. Winterman & C. Rosas & (Eds.) The IEP checklist:  Your guide to creating meaningful and compliant IEPs.  Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.


Kaufman, R. C., Rosas, C. & Westland, C.A. (2013). Building Bridges from Campus to Community.  In M. Chitiyo, G. Prater, L. Aylward, G. Chitiyo, E. Dalton, & A. Hughes (Eds.), The Bridge from Segregation to Inclusion….A Long Journey: Proceedings for the 13th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education.  Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.


Westland, C.A. & Chopra, R. (2013). Capitalizing on Connectors:  Paraeducator Supervision Training Infused in Teacher Preparation Programs.  In M. Chitiyo, G. Prater, L. Aylward, G. Chitiyo, E. Dalton, & A. Hughes (Eds.), The Bridge from Segregation to Inclusion….A Long Journey: Proceedings for the 13th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education (pp 60-62). Vancouver, British Columbia: International Association of Special Education.


2017, Colorado Springs, CO

Westland, C.A., & Rager, K. (2017, January). In their words:  Rising beyond the trauma.  Courage to Risk, Colorado Springs, CO.


2016, San

Antonio, TX

Westland, C.A., Kaufman, R. C. & Rosas, C. (2016, October). Vibrant Visioning:  Strategic Practices for Building, Bonding, and Teaching Self-advocacy.  International Conference on Learning Disabilities.  San Antonio, TX.


2016, Colorado Springs, CO

Westland, C.A., & Rager, K. (2016, January). Peanut butter and jelly:  Home-school blend.  Courage to Risk, Colorado Springs, CO.


2016, Austin, TX

Westland, C.A., & November, L. (2016, January). Connected and plugged In:  Creating communities utilizing conversation circles.  Lilly Conference, Austin, TX.


2016, Austin, TX

Westland, C.A., & November, L. (2016, January). Transformative teaching:  Elevating learning via service learning.  Lilly Conference, Austin, TX.


2015, Tempe, AZ


Kaufman, R. C. , Westland, C.A., & Rosas, C. (2015, November). Policies v. practices: Tales from the trenches.  Teacher Education Division, Tempe, AZ.


2015, Tempe, AZ


Westland, C.A.. (2015, November). Transformative teaching: Learning is personal with service learning.  Teacher Education Division, Tempe, AZ.


2015, Tempe, AZ


Westland, C.A., Kaufman, R. C. , & Rosas, C. (2015, November). Mentoring: Promoting the profession through legacy.  Teacher Education Division, Tempe, AZ.

Westland, 2017

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